Wednesday, 26 November 2008

First African American President: But Will Old Washington Power Trust Obama?

First African American President: But Will Old Washington Power Trust Obama?

Barack Obama; US Presidency, Global Power, Axis of Evil, George W. Bush, Tony Blair, International Relations, WMD, Washington, Mitchelle Obama, Cherie Blair, Laura Bush

News that tentacles of American power could not trust its most ardent ally Tony Blair- a harmless, cuddly, and shrill cheerleader; its domestic pet, an American poodle; the former British Prime Minister- is mindnumbing.

Here was Tony, all chummy, cheerful trooper of the American Century under team leader Dubbya. His was the more legitimate and convincing voice on the War On Terror (WOT). He was the more humane and benign face of power that reassured you there could be nothing more sinister than routine exacting of just retributions against those who harm innocent citizens. After all, he was British Prime Minister; a small country and disintegrated empire unenamoured any longer with direct military occupation, control and domination of other lands and peoples as a righteous and divine duty or the whiteman's burdens unto other God's lesser creatures.

It turns out, America under George W. Bush the Dumber, could not spare the leash, even on the family's favourite pet, Tony the Poodle. He was apparently leashed all the while he was being petted. And all this, when he and the Queen's dominion were lulled into fervently believing, that America and Britain, are siamese twins: inseparable; and the interstices of their existences, as that of thier power and global interests and reach, interlinked.

We are told that Washington only eavesdropped on Tony's ' private life.' Who are they really kidding?

Okay, we know that unlike many prime ministers before him; as long as British memory can be relied upon, Tony Blair and Cherie Booth Blair were the only power couple in a long time to find the space and energy, to actually make love and father a child, Leo, at Number 10, Downing Street, between their very busy and exhausting public schedules. Might Dubbya have been interested in finding out if Tony was all au naturale, unaided by viagara, or some technique native to Britain that he could pirate and help him nudge Laura Bush into more than just giving him a back rub after his usual bouts of watching sports on TV and munching away on pretzels, and at long last give the teeen-aged twin girls a brother Herbert Walker, perhaps?

You must be kidding, if you believed that. We were warned there was an axis of evil and there were rogue states and terrorists squirming to push the nuclear or WMD trigger and obliterate the USA and the world at the slightest opportunity of complacency. So, with all the threats from the terrorists and the axis of evil, the USA could squander precious and critical survaillance resources on tracking Tony Blair's randiness, or who he plays pool with at No. 10, or if he kisses Cherie goodnight after every session of lovemaking, or if he actually used to secretly call that squirrelly chancellor at No.11, to tell him Tony's support of the American WOT was all a charade, and could he Gordon, please tell George Galloway to cool it?

Cynical of officialdom as we are wont to be at NUMP, we do not think so. We want to believe that, indeed, Tony was under survaillance, and so was Gordon Brown, all the time. We also want to believe that, it was not only their domestic lives under the microscope, but all the facets and planes of their lives, to make sure they were genuinely lock and step, with the aspirations of the neocons at the centre of forging the American century under Dubbya. Therefore, what has come out is from only one of several such nodes of intercepts on various particular aspects of the lives of those, jittery American power put under close watch.

Which begs the question for us at NUMP: If the tentacles of American power, and for our purposes, white old boys' American power, could not trust Tony Blair, either because he was British, European, centre left or closet socialist labour leader, how can we be sure that the same power sceptical of its own kin, would open up completely and trust Barack Obama- who was variously portrayed as an outsider, unAmerican, terrorist, moslem, socialist, African, and redistributionist- with its interests and aspirations?

We want to disappoint the world that, far from re-modelling American outlook and the world on a global village framework, where we are all family and share the same ethoes and pathoes, Barack Obama will be merely a figurehead, held hostage to his own visions of and aspirations for the world and the euphoric world's own unrealistic expectations for the end of self interests and the ideology of power and domination. Barack Obama may be black, but he is immersed in the same old Americal and European culture of power and domination of others to further the welfare of those they consider their own.

If the distrust shown Tony Blair is any indication, we can confidently hazard to project that, the centre of power will migrate from the Oval Office, where Obama will remain titular President of the USA, to the Vice President's Office and the State Department, where Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton, will be more trusted with classified information and covert operations and actions overseas in pursuit of old American power and interests. This power will increasingly be shared with respective congressional leaders and committee chairs of both parties, running circles around The President himself, who will largely be considered an outsider and potential danger to American power that must be preserved at all costs.

Like Tony Blair, we believe, there will be files on Barack Obama, and we do not mean the interest will be driven by voyeurism into the stereotypical ready, red-hotness of the black woman and how raunchily Michelle Obama could go down on the President of the United States of America, after hours. Far from it. While that may attract some interest, the focus will be to make sure he is not palling around with the likes of William Ayers, or cussing America with Jeremiah Wright in the dead of night.

We can also project that, Obama's presidency will bring Britain, the USA, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand, ever closer and closer than they were under Dubbya the Dumber, to ensure that whatever potential dangers Obama's place at the centre of traditinally Anglo-Saxon centre of power,will be minimised by running circles around him among these club who tend to act collaboratively on global issues.

The world can be forgiven for its excitements about Barack Obama as the first African-American or ethnic minority president of the USA. As far as we are concerned, the world will remain divided between us and them. Palestine will still remain the land where no justice is rendered, but might is right and who is your friend. As for Africa, Obama's presidency has come at the wrong time-we do not want him to fail, and yet there are so many dictators in Africa who were coddled by Washington, that we want to get rid of, but Washington under Barack Obama will still want to keep them in power because they further American interests in the region.

Therefore, we are headed on a collision course, if Zimbabwe is any indication, where justice and equity, which is the centre of the contention there, has been displaced by the centrality of how fair or unfair, free or unfree elections are without any thought that African states and peoples too, have national interests, the fight for which, sometimes must make the critical constructive balance of respecting fundamental rights, and ensuring that the majority of their citizens, their interests, welbeing and aspirations and future are ensured.

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