Key Words: Desmond Tutu, John Sentamu, Raila Odinga, Gordon Brown, Internaional Community, Robert Mugabe, Zimbabwe, African Union (AU), Yoweri Museveni; Paul Kagame, Laurent Nkunda, DRC Congo
If you believe the Western media, the Western coalition that calls itself and its will that of the international community, you would be forgiven if you thought Zimbabwe is the worst place to be right now on earth, and Robert Mugabe, the only African leader who has been in power more than 10 years. You might also easily think that Zimbabwe is the only place in Africa or the world, where elections have been controversial and contested. And you would also be forgiven if you thought Zimbabwe is the only place where people have or are dying of political violence as a result of a contested state legitimacy.
Listening to Raila Odinga, John Sentamu, or Condeeleeza Rice, you would think that all the dictators and those who suppress political freedom and use state violence to brutalise their opponents are all in the Hague and were deposed by the will and action of the international community led by a righteous British and American governments.
"If no troops are available, then the AU must allow the UN to send its forces into Zimbabwe with immediate effect, to take over control of the country and ensure urgent humanitarian assistance to the people dying of cholera."
Raila Odinga, Prime Minister of Kenya
"Robert Mugabe and his henchmen must now take their rightful place in The Hague and answer for their actions."
Dr John SentamuArchbishop of York.
"I am still really appalled at the inability of the international community to deal with tyrants. Robert Mugabe should have gone a long time ago." Condoleezza Rice, US secretary of state.
We want to remind you dear reader, that dictators Yoweri Museveni of Uganda, Paul Kagame of Rwanda, Meles Zenawi of Ethiopia, all rule their countries with iron fists; opposition are suppressed, jailed, murdered or forced to flee at the perils of death. In the case of Uganda, elections have thrice been stolen by the incumbent, but we have not seen the West adopt the opposition in Uganda or finger Museveni for ths Hague. This even when he has for years confined two million people in northern Uganda in concentration camps, ostesibly to protect them from insurgents, when the truth is also that the region is opposition stronghold and Museveni wanted to control the population and deny the opposition any meaningful organising there since the army controls who goes in and out of the camps and to do what. Opposition rallies or mere gatherings are routinely broken up with brute force by the military police disguised in riot police gears.
But have we heard the USA or Britain raise any objections to their behviour, corruption and human rights violations? No; not at all. Instead, these dictators are rewarded with military and other economic largesse that give them the capacity to brutalise their citizens. The USA and Britain are their most ardent and faithful diplomatic, moral, political and material benefactors because these are their dictators and ruling in the strategic interests of British and American finance and world domination strategies.
In contras the problem in Zinmbabwe is instigated by agents of the West and their collaborators in MDC with Tsvangirai as their leader, while discontents in Uganda, Rwanda, and Ethiopia are conditioned by internal consitions of the people there who genuinely desire change that can benefit them but not only a clique connected to the rulers and their Western backers and frontmen.
We applaud the common sense and refusal of the African Union (AU) to cave in to the propaganda and join the Western bandwaggon on Robert Mugabe and Zimbabwe- bashing.
News that the AU, and also particularly South Africa, and Tanzania, have rejected the Western contrived hysteria that Zimbabwe has gone to the dogs and the only means left to rescue it is the use of imperialist force to topple the government of Robert Mugabe, is welcome indeed to all Pan-Africanists and those committed to social justice not as a means of earning a living but as moral convictions and self-determination.
As Africans and survivors of genocide through slavery and brutal colonisation, by Britain and other Western powers, we reject the selective reporting of Western mass media, human rights organisations and agencies who take their cues from the departments of foreign affairs and that of state, of their home countries. These organisations are in some cases staffed by imperialist forces bent on sabotaging African liberation and progress. As they did with the colour-coded counter-revolutions in Eastern Europe, Yugoslavia and former Soviet Russia, they will deliberately work to ignite discontent and fan the flames of despondency and counter-revolution to scare the population into the laps of Western imperialism and rapacious capitalist eocnomic bondage.
Progressive governments and leaderships in Africa and in all former colonised lands, need to wake up to the cold reality that Western aid and human rights organisations are trojan horses, and are in the trade they are in, not by any tinge of moral persuasion and calling, but to deepen the policies and ideologies of dominaion and control of other people and societies; and also to to earn a living for themselves. In any case, it is their country first, wrong or right. It is therefore incumbent upon Africans and African leaders and Pan-Africa, to begin to clearly define its interests and build capacity to defend those interests when threatened by those who still are keen on enslaving its peoples.Such clearly defined Pan-African, African, national interests codified by the AU and ratified by all African governments and Pan-Africa, enjoin African governments and peoples, collectively or individually, to take action to defend the interests of the African people, when contravened or threatened by external forces or quislings such as Morgan Tsvangirai.
Western or African interests?
When we step back and reflect on cholera outbreak the hysteria over Zimbabwe, particularly coming in the wake of a cholera outbreak with a death toll of under 600, we are dumbfounded that some Africans who would normally pass for serious-minded persons, would think that the problem of cholera in Zimbabwe is worse than the genocide in Darfur, the Rwanda and Uganda-induced rebellion in Eastern Congo, and the debacles that is Somalia. We believe, if there are any places anywhere on the African continent where the world and Africa needed to devote their attention and efforts now, it is Darfur, Eastern Congo, northern Uganda and Somalia. In fact we have a suggestion for Raila Odinga: if he is a true bleeding heart for African lives, rather than a mere new Anglo-American imperialist puppet on a string, he should turn his gaze on Eastern Congo and close the border with Uganda so no goods can go through until Museveni and Kagame bring the rebellion in Eastern Congo to a close to save African lives.
What the West want in Zimbabwe has nothing to do with saving African lives or advancing the welfare of Africans in Zimbabwe, but imperialist control and domination of Zimbabwe through quislings like the MDC, so that the land reforms that would improve the lot of Africans, does not proceed as planned by ZANU-PF and comrade Mugabe. The war against Robert Mugabe and the people of Zimbabwe is a war against African liberation, independence and freedom, started by Tony Blair, in the name of regime change because comrade Mugabe and ZANU-PF would not compromise on land reforms for Africans.
So eminent Africans such as Desmond Tutu, John Sentamu, and a leader such as Raila Odinga, despite their honourable past and forcefulness of character and integrity, must on the case of Zimbabwe, be ignored or dismissed for what they are: deeply misguided and misinformed do-gooders who have lost their bearings.
As long as the straw the anti-Mugabe cabal of misled, politically naive and unconscious Africans and their Western backers grasp at is simply free and fair elections, and that Comrade Robert Mugabe has been in power too long, and therefore must leave; or that there must be power-sharing with the opposition and a stooge and reactionary like Morgan Tsvangirai, without taking stock of history and the scale of the deprivation of the African masses in Zimbabwe and the struggles they had to wage and the reasons for such struggles; Tutu, Oginga, and Sentamu, can continue to lick Imperial Britannia's boots, but they will have no relevance to the aspiration of the African peoples today.
What about DRC Congo?
The person we pity the most is Archbishop Tutu; because he is the most reasonable and self-less person-righ up there with Nelson Mandela-and a true friend of the poor, the oppressed, and disadvantaged from the slums of Soweto to the shamelessly UN-run concentration camps that they call refugee camps in occupied Palestinian lands. We are therefore at pains, to see Archbishop Desmond Tutu, throw his lot with the imperialist forces and their mouthpieces in Africa and the Western world.
As for Raila Odinga and Archbishop John Sentamu, we are not sure about their integrity. Raila Odinga, traded a cheap ministerial position, a sham power and a sham change, and its privileges, for the true aspirations of the long suffering Kenyan people for real change and real indepnendence so that they can be masters of their own destiny. As long as Raila Odinga continues to speak on Zimbabwe but ignores the plight of Kenyans from Mathera to the landless in the Rift Valley and Western Kenya; or close his eyes to the genocide next door in northern Uganda, and the dictator Yoweri Museveni, who like Mugabe has been in power for over two decades; or fail to see the man-made disaster in Eastern Congo-rather than the natural outbreak of cholera in Zimbabwe- he has no credibility.
Archbishops Tutu and Sentamu can be forgiven, for they are men of the cloth and sometimes, their biblical lenses, betray their naivety and simplifications of complex and interacting issues and claims that cannot be addressed by rhetorical and irrational Sunday sermons to the poor and how they must accept their current destitution because they have a wealth of inheritance stored for them on high. And if not material, then it is spiritual.
It is however paradoxical that both Tutu and Sentamu, should call for external invasion of Zimbabwe, to topple the ZANU-PF government, arrest and deliver Robert Mugabe to the International Criminal Court, allegedly as a means of liberating the people of Zimbabwe from tyranny and suffering. Apparently, it is ok for foreign imperial forces to kill some Zimbabweans, in order to save some. We know that foreign invasion of a country means killing its people as we have seen in the self same efforts in regime change and imposition of democracy in Iraq. Neither Tutu nor Sentamu can tell the world and the people of Iraq that they are better off since Mission Accomplished.
In their convoluted views, it is a crime, for ZANU-PF and Robert Mugabe, to stand up for the interests of the majority of Zimbabweans- not just some urban and Ndebeleland elite, or white farmers and settlers whose intrests coincide with those of the imperialists- and say no to recolonisation of Zimbabwe; or compromise on the need for social and economic justice through agrarian land reforms to benefit millions of ordinary Zimbabweans dispossessed by British colonialism. But you will not hear Desmond Tutu and John Sentamu speak about the injustices of British colonialism, UDI and Ian Smith, and the fact that the grievances that led to the Chimurenga, remain largely unmet, and are at the heart of the current struggles in Zimbabwe. The struggle pits comrade and and patriot and Pan-Africanist Robert Mugabe and the revolutionary ZANU-PF, against the counter-revolutionaries and collaborators with the forces of reactions, organised on electioneering around Morgan Tsvagirai and his British allies who want to roll back the gains wrested from the defeated British imperialism and UDI racialism in 1980.
We would have taken these men of the cloth seriously, were they not prompted to call for external invasion of Zimbabwe by an outbreak of cholera epidemic, which is a natural occurrence due to poor sanitation, which also directly arise from poverty, whose genesis and conditions have been historical for Zimbabwean Africans who are victims of British colonialism.
The paradox is that, Archbishops Sentamu, Desmond Tutu, and Prime Minister Raila Odinga and their master, Gordon Brown, are not ashamed of themselves, to latch onto the tragedy of 600 deaths due to cholera in Zimbabwe, but are quiet, or not speaking in the same tone and rallying the world to put a stop to the plight of millions of the people of DRC Congo, killed, maimed, displaced and desperate as a result of violence perpetrated by Laurent Nkunda, Paul Kagame, Yoweri Museveni and their Western benefactor's political and economic interests in the Great Lakes Region of East and Central Africa. Moreover, Archbishop Sentamu, a native of Uganda, has been mum on his own country, where dictator Yoweri Museveni has ruled with an iron fist for 23 years, killed hundreds of thousands in Luwero before seizing power, and orchestrated a genocide in northern Uganda where hundreds of thousands have perished and two million people confined in concentration camps without food, sanitary facilities and other social and economic amenities as called for by international humanitarian law.
Furthermore, if these prelates and Raila Odinga were concerned about the loss of lives of Africans, Zimbabwe might have been on their list, but it could not have certainly eclipsed Darfur, Somalia, the DRC Congo, and northern Uganda, if the concerns were primarily with human tragedy per se without other vested economic and strategic interests. For Britain at least, it is very clear that, had there not been White British settlers in Zimbabwe, Gordon Brown would have been as quiet on Zimbabwe as he has been on northern Uganda, Eastern DRC, Somalia, Ethiopia and elsewhere where Western-backed dictators are busy oppressing fellow Africans in the economic and strategic interests of the West. Gordon Brown and Britain, with its allies, bankroll dictatorships of Yoweri Museveni and Paul Kagame, and are responsible for the deaths in northern Uganda, Eastern DRC Congo, and DRC Congo itself.
The question we want to put to Prime Minister Raila Odinga, the newest British imperialist Headman and slave-driver in East Africa is: Which African lives matter to you, sir? Why are you not speaking out on northern Uganda, DRC Congo, Darfur, and Ethiopia? At least for DRC Congo, you could even have an impact by blocking all goods traffic to Rwanda until they rein in Laurent Nkunda to stop him from generating the human tragedy in Eastern Congo. As we have suggested, show you care for all Africans, but not only those the British dedcied are of more strategic geopolitical interests, by closing your borders with Uganda to underline your African policy and determination to put an end to all needless bloodletting in Africa in the name of political power.
And for prelates Tutu and Sentamu, isn't it only god who gives and takes away? And which African children of god have more precious lives than the others, or they are all the same and precious to god?
We tip our hats to the correct leadership of Jakaya Kikwete of Tanzania, as Chair of the AU; and to South Africa, for insisting on an African solution and repudiating any notion of the use of force on a progressive African government and state.
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