Thursday 6 November 2008

Lessons of Obama to the black child

Lessons of Obama to the black child

By Okello Lucima

I Cradle Him In My Arms
Only Two Months Old
Riveted By The Unfolding Drama
On The Telly

Thousands Throng Grant Park
In Chicago
An Expectant Night
Is At Hand

A Greyed White Man
Extols A New Era
Weighted On The Shoulder
Of A Tawny Black Child

Nonchalantly Asleep
On My Lap
He Does Not Discern
The Ecstasy at Grant Park

Only Two Months Old
He Does Not See My Tears
When Obama’s Declared Victor!
And Grant Park Exultant!

He Slumbers Unaware
Of News Of Renewed Hope
For The Black Child
Of Haze of History and Race
Receding From His Horizon

His Humanity
No Longer Caged
His Dreams
No Longer Obscured

He May Dream Bigger
And Aim Higher, Or
Shoot For The Stars
It Is Up To Him?

But Still A Black Child
His Historical Baggage
Like A Calling Card He Carries

Obama’s Rise To Power
At The Citadel
Of White Racial Privilege
Releases Not The Black Child
From His Racial Cage

Held Back By Chains Of Slavery
In The New World
And Disinherited In The Motherland
By Capital and Tyranny
He Wallows In Perpetual Want

Lying Asleep In My Arms
My Eyes Wet With Rears
Joyful And Terrified At Once
Of The Paradox

Of The Black Child
Fated By History
Henceforth Tempted By
Obama’s Story

Bears Double Burdens
Of Race and Ambition
Of Unfettered Dreams
In A Changing…
Yet Unchanging World.

Northern Uganda Messenger Post (NUMP) © 2008

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